IRIX 6.5 Applications 1999 May
SGI IRIX 6.5 Applications 1999 May.iso
Text File
331 lines
SSSSGGGGIIII2222PPPPSSSS((((1111)))) IIIImmmmpppprrrreeeessssssssaaaarrrriiiioooo SSSSGGGGIIII2222PPPPSSSS((((1111))))
sgi2ps - convert an SGI image file to PostScript
ssssggggiiii2222ppppssss [----OOOO filename] [----LLLL filename] [----BBBB]
[----CCCC colorspace] [----FFFF] [----ffff] [----rrrr angle]
[----pppp imageRes] [----zzzz factor] [----nnnn nCopies]
[----GGGG g0[,g1,g2]] [----NNNN nUpX[,nUpY]]
[----IIII filename] [----cccc filename] [----hhhh] [----DDDD]
[SGIImageFilename ...]
_s_g_i_2_p_s converts raster files in SGI image format into PostScript code.
The program provides a number of image transformation capabilities
including zooming, rotation and gamma correction. In addition, _s_g_i_2_p_s
provides the capability to display multiple images on a single physical
CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaannnndddd LLLLiiiinnnneeee OOOOppppttttiiiioooonnnnssss
Typically, _s_g_i_2_p_s expects at least one SGI image file to be specified as
input on the command line after all option switches. If no image file is
specified on the command line, _s_g_i_2_p_s will read from the standard input.
By default, _s_g_i_2_p_s assumes that its output should be written to the
standard output and messages should be written to standard error.
----OOOO _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
Specifies the name of the file to which the PostScript output
will be sent. If the ----OOOO option is not specified, output will
be sent to the standard output.
----LLLL _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
Specifies the name of the file to which error, warning and
informational messages are to be written. If the file specified
already exists, any messages generated by _s_g_i_2_p_s will be
appended to the end of the file. If the ----LLLL option is not
specified, message output will be sent to standard error.
----BBBB Specifies that binary PostScript should be output where
applicable. The majority of the output from _s_g_i_2_p_s is bitmap
image data. By default this data is output as ASCII hexadecimal
values. Specifying ----BBBB will output this image data as binary
values thereby cutting in half the number of bytes of
PostScript data output. However, binary data output should only
be used when the communications channel between _s_g_i_2_p_s and the
PostScript interpreter can accept 8-bit data. This precludes
the use of the ----BBBB switch when transmitting output over serial
----CCCC _c_o_l_o_r_s_p_a_c_e
Specifies the output data colorspace. The value of _c_o_l_o_r_s_p_a_c_e
may be one of the following: wwww (black and white), the default,
ccccmmmmyyyykkkk, or rrrrggggbbbb. The PostScript produced by ccccmmmmyyyykkkk and rrrrggggbbbb can only
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 1111
SSSSGGGGIIII2222PPPPSSSS((((1111)))) IIIImmmmpppprrrreeeessssssssaaaarrrriiiioooo SSSSGGGGIIII2222PPPPSSSS((((1111))))
be interpreted by a Level 2 PostScript interpreter or a Level 1
interpreter with the CMYK color extensions (e.g. _p_s_r_i_p(_1)). The
PostScript produced by wwww can be sent to any Level 1
interpreter. The colorspace conversion equations used by _s_g_i_2_p_s
W to RGB: r = g = b = w
W to CMYK: c = m = y = 0; k = 1 - w
RGB to W: w = 0.299 r + 0.587 g + 0.114 b
ci = 1 - r; mi = 1 - g; yi = 1 - b
k = min(ci, mi, yi)
c = ci - k; m = mi - k: y = yi - k
----FFFF Specifies that the image should be oriented so that it best
fits the page. That is, the image is oriented such that its
longer dimension is parallel with the longer dimension of the
paper. If ----FFFF is specified, any rotation specified by the ----rrrr
switch is ignored. By default the image is oriented with zero
degrees of rotation unless the ----rrrr switch specifies a different
----ffff Specifies that the output image should be flipped (mirrored)
about the vertical axis. This flag is useful when creating
transparencies. Note that flipping of the image is performed
after any rotation. Therefore, the image is always flipped
about the vertical axis.
----rrrr _a_n_g_l_e Specifies that the image is to be rotated by _a_n_g_l_e degrees.
_a_n_g_l_e may be any positive or negative integer value. Positive
rotations are counter-clockwise measured from the horizontal
axis. The default rotation angle is 0. Note that rotation is
performed before any image flipping (----ffff). The ----rrrr switch is
ignored if the best-fit switch ----FFFF is specified.
----zzzz _f_a_c_t_o_r and ----pppp _i_m_a_g_e_R_e_s
Each of these switches provides scaling of the original image.
The two switches are mutually exclusive.
The ----zzzz switch provides image zooming. _f_a_c_t_o_r is a positive
floating point value typically between 0.0 and 1.0. A zoom
factor of 1.0, the default, indicates that the image should be
scaled to fit the entire page while preserving the original
image's aspect ratio. A zoom factor of 0.5 would produce an
image sized to 50% of that needed to fit the entire page. A
zoom factor of 0.0 produces no zooming. Instead the image is
output at its original size.
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 2222
SSSSGGGGIIII2222PPPPSSSS((((1111)))) IIIImmmmpppprrrreeeessssssssaaaarrrriiiioooo SSSSGGGGIIII2222PPPPSSSS((((1111))))
If an image must be sized based on a given resolution, the ----pppp
switch should be specified in place of the ----zzzz switch. The
_i_m_a_g_e_R_e_s argument specifies the resolution used to size the
image in dots per inch. This resolution is independent of the
output device resolution. For example, suppose an image is one
inch by one inch when displayed on a 96 dpi monitor. In order
to print that image on a 300 dpi printer so that it remains one
inch by one inch the ----pppp switch would be specified with an
_i_m_a_g_e_R_e_s of 96.
----nnnn _n_C_o_p_i_e_s
Specifies the number of copies to produce of each page.
Specifying this switch simply sets the value of the ####ccccooooppppiiiieeeessss
variable in the output PostScript code. The value of this
variable is used by the PostScript operator sssshhhhoooowwwwppppaaaaggggeeee to
determine the number of output copies to produce. By default
the ####ccccooooppppiiiieeeessss variable is not specified and the number of copies
then defaults to one.
----GGGG _g_0[,_g_1,_g_2]
This switch provides gamma correction of the input image data.
The gamma function is:
corrected value = value ^ gamma
The gamma value (_g_0, etc.) is typically a value between 0.0 and
3.0. A gamma value less than 1.0 will tend to lighten the image
while a value greater than 1.0 will tend to darken the image. A
gamma of 1.0 will leave the image data unchanged. The gamma
value may be specified for each input color channel
individually or as a group. If _g_0 is the only gamma value
specified, this value will be applied to all output channels.
Note that a black and white image contains one input color
channel, and an RGB image contains three input channels. The
default gamma value is 1.0 for all channels.
----NNNN _n_U_p_X[,_n_U_p_Y]
_s_g_i_2_p_s allows multiple SGI image files to be specified on the
command line. By default, each image is output on a separate
physical page. The ----NNNN switch provides the capability to divide
up one physical page into multiple virtual pages. This is often
called n-up display. Using n-up, multiple image files can be
displayed on the same physical page. If only the _n_U_p_X value is
specified the physical page will be divided into nUpX by nUpX
virtual pages. If both _n_U_p_X and _n_U_p_Y are specified, the
physical page will be divided into _n_U_p_X by _n_U_p_Y virtual pages.
Images are displayed in row (horizontal) major order. Note
that _n_U_p_X is measured along the horizontal, x, axis. For an 8.5
by 11.0 inch page, the horizontal axis is the short dimension
in portrait mode and the long dimension in landscape mode.
Rotation is performed on each image individually and best-fit
orientation is determined for each image individually. Zooming
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SSSSGGGGIIII2222PPPPSSSS((((1111)))) IIIImmmmpppprrrreeeessssssssaaaarrrriiiioooo SSSSGGGGIIII2222PPPPSSSS((((1111))))
is relative to the virtual page size. Note that image
replication is not performed. The number of images specified on
the command line is the number of images displayed in the
virtual pages.
----IIII _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
_s_g_i_2_p_s places a PostScript code prolog at the start of the
output file. By default, this prolog code is read from the
file /_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_p_r_i_n_t/_d_a_t_a/_P_S_I_m_a_g_e_P_r_o_l_o_g. The ----IIII switch allows a
different prolog file to be specified. This switch is not
intended for general use.
----cccc _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
The most common form of SGI Image file is the so called Normal
image. This image contains the actual intensity values for each
image channel at each pixel location. Another form of SGI
Image file is the so called Screen image. This image consists
of a single value at each pixel. The value is an index into a
colormap that contains the actual pixel intensity values for
each channel. This type of image is also referred to as a
colormap image. In order to process a colormap image, the
colormap that corresponds to the image must be specified. By
default _s_g_i_2_p_s obtains its colormap from the file
_S_G_I_D_e_f_C_o_l_o_r_m_a_p._m_a_p. This file contains the default SGI system
colormap. The ----cccc option can be used to specify a different
colormap file. A colormap file can be created using the
_m_a_k_e_m_a_p(_1_G) and _s_a_v_e_m_a_p(_1_G) programs. This switch is not
intended for general use.
----hhhh Prints a program usage message to the standard error. This
usage message also lists the currently supported output
----DDDD Specifies verbose output for debugging purposes.
1. The PostScript output produced by _s_g_i_2_p_s conforms to the Adobe
PostScript Document Structuring Conventions Version 3.0 as specified
in Appendix G of the "PostScript Language Reference Manual", 2nd
2. The _s_g_i_2_p_s program supersedes the _r_g_b_2_p_s program. The _r_g_b_2_p_s program
should not be used for new development and may be removed from
future releases.
3. The PostScript output produced by sgi2ps primarily wraps the input
bitmap image data with PostScript instructions. Therefore, the
amount of output data can be quit large especially if multiple image
files are specified or if the images are large. The size of the
output file should be kept in mind when sending the PostScript
output over a slow communications channel such as a serial line.
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SSSSGGGGIIII2222PPPPSSSS((((1111)))) IIIImmmmpppprrrreeeessssssssaaaarrrriiiioooo SSSSGGGGIIII2222PPPPSSSS((((1111))))
4. If _s_g_i_2_p_s is given an unrecognized or incomplete command line option
switch, it will print a warning message to the standard error,
ignore the option and continue processing.
5. If an image file is specified on the command line, _s_g_i_2_p_s will not
read its stdin for images.
6. Processing an SGI Image format file requires random seeking within
the file. Therefore, when _s_g_i_2_p_s is obtaining its input image from
a pipe to standard input, a disk based copy of the input image must
be created. This temporary image file will be created in the
directory specified by the TTTTMMMMPPPPDDDDIIIIRRRR environment variable. If that
variable is not set, the temporary file will be created in /_v_a_r/_t_m_p.
There must be sufficient free space in the temporary file directory
to store a complete copy of the image file or _s_g_i_2_p_s will fail.
7. _s_g_i_2_p_s can only process a single image file when reading from
standard input.
8. Previous versions of _s_g_i_2_p_s performed gamma correction on the output
data. Starting with Impressario 1.2, _s_g_i_2_p_s performs gamma
correction on the input image data.
9. _s_g_i_2_p_s can process Normal and Screen format SGI Image files. Images
in the obsolete Dither format must be converted to Normal format
images using the _f_r_o_m_d_i(_6_D) program.
/usr/lib/print/sgi2ps Program file
/usr/lib/print/data/PSImageProlog PostScript prolog file
/usr/lib/print/data/SGIDefColormap.map Default colormap file
PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.
psrip(1), stiff2ps(1), _P_o_s_t_S_c_r_i_p_t _L_a_n_g_u_a_g_e _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e _M_a_n_u_a_l - 2nd ed.,
Adobe Systems, Inc., makemap(1G), savemap(1G), fromdi(6D)
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